Medicaid Eligibility | Northwood Health Systems

Medicaid Eligibility

Medicaid is the nation’s publicly funded health insurance program for low-income Americans. Medicaid qualifications vary from state to state, but many of Northwood’s patients are eligible for Medicaid insurance coverage.

In order to qualify for WV Medicaid, you must:

  • Be a resident of West Virginia
  • Be a U.S. national citizen, permanent resident, or legal alien
  • Be in need of health care insurance assistance
  • Have a financial situation classified as “low-income”
  • Be either:
    • pregnant
    • a parent or relative caretaker of a dependent child(ren) under age 19
    • blind
    • disabled or have a disabled family member in your household, or
    • at least 65 years old

For additional WV Medicaid eligibility information (including the annual income limitations) visit:

You may apply for WV Medicaid in any of the following ways:

Apply online by visiting

Apply in Person by visiting your local Department of Health and Human Resources, where you can fill out an application form.  The DHHR representative will help find the most suitable program for you.  To find the DHHR office closest to you visit:

Apply over the Phone if the above methods are not feasible for you. You can simply call your County DHHR office at 1-800-642-8589 and signup for the WV Medicaid program over the phone.

For additional Medicaid guidance regarding eligibility, application, and benefits visit